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Financial Information

Iden Parish Council provides a schedule of payments at our Council meetings each month. Each Quarterly report will published in full showing all expenditure and the quarterly comparison actual expenditure against that anticipated in the budget. This exceeds the minimum requirement of the Transparency Code to publish expenditure items over £500 on a quarterly basis.

Iden Parish Council is insured with BHIB (insurance Brokers).

Gifts and hospitality
No gifts or hospitality have been offered to, or accepted by any councillor. Any gifts or hospitality accepted will be listed here on this website.

Council Financial Procedures
Financial Regulations 2017

Council Asset List
Asset List as at 31st March 2024

Asset List as at 31st March 2023

Asset List as at 31st March 2022

Asset List as at 31st March 2021
Asset List as at 31st March 2020
Asset List as at 31st March 2019
Asset List as at 31st March 2018


Community Infrastructure Levy Report

Financial Information 2024-2025

First Quarter Financial Report 2024-2025

First Quarter Budget Monitoring 2024-2025 unaudited

First Quarter Receipts and Payments 2024-2025 unaudited

Financial Information 2023-2024

2023-2024 Audit

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

External Auditor Report and Certificate 2023-2024

Annual Governance and Accounts Return Audited 2023-2024

Notice of public right to inspect the council accounts 2023-2024 6th June - 17th July


AGAR for external audit (internal audit, sections 1 & 2 and external audit certificate)

Bank Reconciliation 2023-2024
Explanation of variances 2023-2024


Parish Council

Final Draft Budget Proposal 2024-2025

First Draft Budget Proposal 2024-2025

Fourth  Quarter and Year End Financial Report 2023-2024

Fourth Quarter Year End Budget Monitoring 2023-2024 unaudited

Fourth Quarter Payments 2023-2024 Unaudited

Fourth Quarter Receipts 2023-2024 Unaudited

Third Quarter Financial Report 2023-2024
Third Quarter Budget Monitoring 2023-2024 Unaudited
Third Quarter Payments 2023-2024 Unaudited
Third Quarter Receipts 2023-2024 Unaudited

First and Second Quarter Budget Monitoring 2023-2024

Second Quarter Payments unaudited

Second Quarter Receipts 2023-2024 unaudited

First Quarter Payments 2023-2024 unaudited

First Quarter Receipts 2023-2024 unaudited

Iden Pavilion Financial Information 2023 – 2024

2023-2024 Year Financial Receipts and Payments (unaudited)

2022-2023 Audit

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

External Auditor Report and Certificate 2022-2023

Annual Governance and Accounts Return Audited 2022-2023

Notice of the Public Right to Inspect the Accounts 2022-2023

Annual Governance and Accounts Return section 1, 2 & 3 for External Audit

Internal Audit Report

Bank Reconciliation 2022-2023

Explanation of Variances 2022-2023

Iden Pavilion Financial Information 2022 – 2023

2022-2023 Year Financial Receipts and Payments (unaudited)

Council Financial Information 2022 – 2023

Final Budget 2023-2024


Precept £16,000

Year End Financial Report 2022-2023
Fourth Quarter Financial Report  2022-2023

Fourth Quarter/ Year End Budget Comparison 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Payments 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Receipts 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Financial Report 2022-2023

Third Quarter Budget Comparison 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Payments 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Receipts 2022-2023 (unaudited)

First and Second Quarter Financial Report 2022-2023
First and Second Quarter Budget Comparison 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Payments 2022-2023 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Receipts 2022-2023 (unaudited)

First Quarter Payments 2022-2023 (unaudited)
First Quarter Receipts 2022-2023 (unaudited)
2022-2023 Budget

Council Financial Information 2021 – 2022
Precept £16,000

Notice of the Public Right to Inspect the Accounts 2021-2022

Certificate of Exemption, Internal Audit Annual Governance and Accounting Statement 2021-2022

Explanation of Variances 2021-2022

Bank Reconciliation 2021 -2022

Contracts and Donations over £100 -for 2021-2022

Year End Financial Report 2021-2022

Year End Budget Comparison 2021-2022 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Financial Report 2021-2022

Fourth Quarter Payments 2021-2022 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Receipts 2021-2022 (unaudited)

Thirds Quarter Financial Report 2021-2022

Third Quarter Budget Comparison 2021-2022 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Payments 2021-2022 (unaudited)
Thirds Quarter Receipts 2021-2022 (unaudited)
Second Quarter Financial Report 2021-2022
Second Quarter Budget Comparison 2021-2022 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Payments 2021-2022 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Receipts 2021-2022 (unaudited)

First Quarter Financial Report 2021-2022
First Quarter Budget Comparison 2021-2022
First Quarter Payments 2021-2022 (unaudited)
First Quarter Receipts 2021-2022 (unaudited)
2021-2022 Budget

Council Financial Information 2020 – 2021
Precept £16,000

Public right to inspect the accounts
Exemption Certificate
Annual Governance and Annual Return

Bank Reconciliation

Contracts and Donations over £100

Explanation of Variances

Year End Financial Report 2020-2021

Year End Budget Comparison 2020-2021 (unaudited)
Fourth Quarter Payments 2020-2021 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Receipts 2020-2021 (unaudited)
Third Quarter Financial Report 2020-2021
Third Quarter Budget Comparison 2020-2021 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Payments 2020-2021 (unaudited)
Third Quarter Receipts 2020-2021 (unaudited)
Second Quarter Financial Report 2020-2021

Second Quarter Budget Comparison 2020-2021 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Payments 2020-2021 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Receipts 2020-2021 (unaudited)
First Quarter Financial Report 2020-2021
First Quarter Budget Comparison 2020-2021 (unaudited)
First Quarter Payments 2020-2021 (unaudited)
First Quarter Receipts 2020-2021 (unaudited)
2020-2021 Budget

Council Financial Information 2019 – 2020

Precept £14,000

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Public right to inspect the accounts
External Audit Report
Annual Governance and Annual Return

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Contract and Donations above £100
Year End Financial Report 2019-2020

Year End Budget Comparison 2019-2020 (unaudited)
Fourth Quarter Payments 2019-2020 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Receipts 2019-2020 (unaudited)
Third Quarter Budget Comparison 2019-2020 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Payments 2019-2020 (unaudited)
Third Quarter Receipts 2019-2020 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Budget Comparison 2019-2020 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Payments 2019-2020 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Receipts 2019-2020 (unaudited)

First Quarter Budget Comparison 2019 – 2020 (unaudited)
First Quarter Payments 2019 – 2020 (unaudited)
First Quarter Receipts 2019 – 2020 (unaudited)
2019-2020 Budget

Council Financial Information 2018-2019

Precept £14,000

Exemption Certificate, Annual Governance and Annual Return, Explanation of Variances and Bank Rec.  2018-2019

Public right to inspect the accounts

Contract and Donations above £100
Year End Financial Report 2018-2019

Year End Budget Comparison 2018-2019 (unaudited)
Fourth Quarter Payments 208-2019 (unaudited)

Fourth Quarter Receipts 2018-2019 (unaudited)
Third Quarter Financial Report 2018-2019
Third Quarter Budget Comparison 2018-2019 (unaudited)

Third Quarter Payments 2018-2019 (unaudited)
Third Quarter Receipts 2018-2019 (unaudited)
Second Quarter Financial Report 2018-2019

Second Quarter Budget Comparison 2018-2019 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Payments 2018-2019 (unaudited)

Second Quarter Receipts 2018-2019 (unaudited)

First Quarter Financial Report
First Quarter Budget Comparison 2018-2019 (unaudited)
First Quarter Payments 2018-2019 (unaudited)
First Quarter Receipts 2018-2019 (unaudited)
2018-2019 Budget

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